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Dobb Brow

Leading out of Westhoughton along Wigan Road (formerly Grove Road) and out of Bolton over Hart Common is Dobb Brow.

[road corner and trees]

15k GIF 52k JPEG Wigan Road from Dobb Brow 1999

In the direction of Westhoughton and the tower of the parish church can just be seen.

[road corner]

15k GIF 48k JPEG Wigan Road to Dobb Brow 1999

Out towards Dobb Brow and Hart Common.

[terraced houses]

21k GIF 65k JPEG Dobb Brow Road and houses June 2000

The road on the right leading to Borsdane Wood.

[road and houses]

23k GIF 57k JPEG View east from Dobb Brow June 2000

In the direction of Westhoughton.

[bridge dip in road and trees]

22k GIF 51k JPEG Dobb Brow view west June 2000

Towards Hart Common and out of the borough.

[triangular milestone]

18k GIF 76k JPEG Dobb Brow milestone June 2000

6 miles to Bolton, 14 to Manchester.

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